After several hours of trying, and googling, I realised, in order for my model (in the controller, after a postback) to register the value of my dropdownlist, the .Name property has to actually match the name of my model property.
This is how my dropdownlist looks like
Shouldn't this:
What is the purpose of (m => m.EventTrigger.EventType)?
This is how my dropdownlist looks like
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.EventTrigger.EventType) .Name("EventTrigger.EventType") .DataTextField("EventType") .DataValueField("EventType") .BindTo(Model.EventDefs))
Shouldn't this:
(m => m.EventTrigger.EventType)be sufficient to bind the dropdownlist selected value to my model? Why is the following .Name("") necessary?
What is the purpose of (m => m.EventTrigger.EventType)?
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answered on 27 Nov 2012, 04:13 PM
On the same topic,
I have a cascading dropdownlist
So what I did, was to change (in my first dropdownlist)
and in my second dropdownlist, I changed
And finally, in the script
However, this has caused the cascading effect of the 2nd dropdown to stop functioning. Selecting any item in my first dropdown, doesn't update the 2nd cascading dropdownlist.
Please help.
Maybe I might have missed something somewhere
I have a cascading dropdownlist
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.EventTrigger.TriggerType) .Name("DeviceInterfaces") .OptionLabel("Select interface...") .DataTextField("Name") .DataValueField("Id") .DataSource(source => source.Read(read => read.Action("GetCascadeDeviceInterfaces", "EventTriggers"))) )
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.EventTrigger.TriggerId) .Name("EventTrigger.TriggerId") .OptionLabel("Select item...") .DataTextField("Id") .DataValueField("Name") .DataSource(source => source.Read(read => read.Action("GetCascadeIdsByInterface", "EventTriggers") .Data("filterInterface")) .ServerFiltering(true)) .Enable(false) .AutoBind(false) .CascadeFrom("DeviceInterfaces") )Now, the above works fine, except, like I mentioned in my first post, in order for me to bind the selected value of my dropdownlist to my model, I somehow need to set the my model property as the .Name() property.<script> function filterInterface() { return { deviceInterface: $("#DeviceInterfaces").val() }; } </script>
So what I did, was to change (in my first dropdownlist)
and in my second dropdownlist, I changed
And finally, in the script
<script> function filterInterface() { return { deviceInterface: $("#DeviceInterfaces").val() }; } </script>
<script> function filterInterface() { return { deviceInterface: $("#EventTrigger.TriggerType").val() }; } </script>
However, this has caused the cascading effect of the 2nd dropdown to stop functioning. Selecting any item in my first dropdown, doesn't update the 2nd cascading dropdownlist.
Please help.
Maybe I might have missed something somewhere
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answered on 28 Nov 2012, 10:16 AM
I am also facing the exact problem that you have mentioned.
In addition to the cascading behaviour, the .Value() method is also not working if i change the name same as the nested model member as you have mentioned. I also figured out that the period (.) in the name (EventTrigger.TriggerId) gets converted into Underscore (EventTrigger_TriggerId) when it sets the ID of the control in the HTML. So, there is a mismatch caused automatically between the control name and the control ID which i think might cause the problem of the other properties not effective even when we set.
But, i'm still struck with it. Have you found any solution/workaround for it?
In addition to the cascading behaviour, the .Value() method is also not working if i change the name same as the nested model member as you have mentioned. I also figured out that the period (.) in the name (EventTrigger.TriggerId) gets converted into Underscore (EventTrigger_TriggerId) when it sets the ID of the control in the HTML. So, there is a mismatch caused automatically between the control name and the control ID which i think might cause the problem of the other properties not effective even when we set.
But, i'm still struck with it. Have you found any solution/workaround for it?
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answered on 28 Nov 2012, 10:26 AM
No, still no solution. I am hoping that this isn't a bug, and it's something that we may have overlooked.
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answered on 28 Nov 2012, 02:38 PM
Just an update. there's no need to specify the .Name property unless you are binding to a model in a different controller.
Change to the above solved my problems, thanks to telerik's support team.
function filterInterface() {
deviceInterface: $(
Change to the above solved my problems, thanks to telerik's support team.
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answered on 17 Dec 2012, 11:36 AM
I've found an alternatively solution:
If using .DropDownListFor, instead define .Name property to define de element identification use .HtmlAttributes with id attribute, like this:
God bless you!
(P.S.: Sorry by my bad english! I'm brazilian and I need to enhance my english knowledgements! :D)
If using .DropDownListFor, instead define .Name property to define de element identification use .HtmlAttributes with id attribute, like this:
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.EventTrigger.TriggerType) .HtmlAttributes(new {id = "DeviceInterfaces"}) .OptionLabel("Select interface...") .DataTextField("Name") .DataValueField("Id") .DataSource(source => source.Read(read => read.Action("GetCascadeDeviceInterfaces", "EventTriggers"))) )
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.EventTrigger.TriggerId)It had work for me. Try to use this!!.HtmlAttributes(new {id = "TriggerId"}).OptionLabel("Select item...") .DataTextField("Id") .DataValueField("Name") .DataSource(source => source.Read(read => read.Action("GetCascadeIdsByInterface", "EventTriggers") .Data("filterInterface")) .ServerFiltering(true)) .Enable(false) .AutoBind(false) .CascadeFrom("DeviceInterfaces") )
<script> function filterInterface() { return { deviceInterface: $("#DeviceInterfaces").val() }; } </script>
God bless you!
(P.S.: Sorry by my bad english! I'm brazilian and I need to enhance my english knowledgements! :D)
commented on 14 Dec 2021, 09:20 AM
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The solution worked for me ... Great :)
Anton Mironov
commented on 17 Dec 2021, 08:14 AM
Telerik team
Hi Nurul,
If any further assistance on the related requirement is needed, do not hesitate to contact the team as well.
Kind Regards,
Anton Mironov
If any further assistance on the related requirement is needed, do not hesitate to contact the team as well.
Kind Regards,
Anton Mironov
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answered on 25 Apr 2013, 06:13 AM
I am facing similar issue, on giving Html attribute the cascading is not working, do you have any solution for this
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answered on 20 Aug 2013, 05:21 PM
The solution provided by Uilton works for me. Thank you sir, your english was at least good enough to help!
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answered on 26 Aug 2013, 02:48 PM
Just curious if you don't bind this to a model ? ... how would you get the value from the dropdownlists?
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:300px", id = "tracts"})
.OptionLabel("Select Tract...")
.DataSource(source => {
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("GetCascadeTracts", "ImageUpload")
function filterTracts() {
return {
sections: $("#sections").val()
This is how most of my tables look like, i have scripts at bottom of page
$(document).ready(function () {
var clients = $("#clients").data("kendoDropDownList"),
countys = $("#countys").data("kendoDropDownList"),
townShips = $("#townShips").data("kendoDropDownList"),
ranges = $("#rangess").data("kendoDropDownList"),
sections = $("#sections").data("kendoDropDownList"),
tracts = $("#tracts").data("kendoDropDownList");
$("#get").click(function () {
var clientsInfo = "\nDDLclients: { id: " + clients.value() + ", name: " + clients.text() + " }",
countysInfo = "\nDDLcountys: { id: " + countys.value() + ", name: " + countys.text() + " }",
townShipsInfo = "\nDDLtownShips: { id: " + townShips.value() + ", name: " + townShips.text() + " }",
rangesInfo = "\nDDLranges: { id: " + ranges.value() + ", name: " + ranges.text() + "}";
sectionsInfo = "\nDDLsections: { id: " + sections.value() + ", name: " + sections.text() + "}";
tractsInfo = "\nDDLtracts: { id: " + tracts.value() + ", name: " + tracts.text() + "}";
alert("Select Tract To Upload:\n" + clientsInfo + countysInfo + townShipsInfo + rangesInfo + sectionsInfo + tractsInfo);
but still in the controller i cannot grabt he value from the DropDownList ...
string trct = values["tracts"];
string filter = values["filterTracts"];
How do i read the value of the dropdownlist, also how would i relay this data from the razor view , to another controller via an Action Link?
Any of you know?
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:300px", id = "tracts"})
.OptionLabel("Select Tract...")
.DataSource(source => {
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("GetCascadeTracts", "ImageUpload")
function filterTracts() {
return {
sections: $("#sections").val()
This is how most of my tables look like, i have scripts at bottom of page
$(document).ready(function () {
var clients = $("#clients").data("kendoDropDownList"),
countys = $("#countys").data("kendoDropDownList"),
townShips = $("#townShips").data("kendoDropDownList"),
ranges = $("#rangess").data("kendoDropDownList"),
sections = $("#sections").data("kendoDropDownList"),
tracts = $("#tracts").data("kendoDropDownList");
$("#get").click(function () {
var clientsInfo = "\nDDLclients: { id: " + clients.value() + ", name: " + clients.text() + " }",
countysInfo = "\nDDLcountys: { id: " + countys.value() + ", name: " + countys.text() + " }",
townShipsInfo = "\nDDLtownShips: { id: " + townShips.value() + ", name: " + townShips.text() + " }",
rangesInfo = "\nDDLranges: { id: " + ranges.value() + ", name: " + ranges.text() + "}";
sectionsInfo = "\nDDLsections: { id: " + sections.value() + ", name: " + sections.text() + "}";
tractsInfo = "\nDDLtracts: { id: " + tracts.value() + ", name: " + tracts.text() + "}";
alert("Select Tract To Upload:\n" + clientsInfo + countysInfo + townShipsInfo + rangesInfo + sectionsInfo + tractsInfo);
but still in the controller i cannot grabt he value from the DropDownList ...
string trct = values["tracts"];
string filter = values["filterTracts"];
How do i read the value of the dropdownlist, also how would i relay this data from the razor view , to another controller via an Action Link?
Any of you know?