I have a problem that probably has a simple solution that I am overlooking. I have created a widget to extend Kendo widget. In the widget I have a DropDownList that seems to "cache" the I want to be able to have the datasource re-read the data on each post. In the code below the initial read has the correct values, however, when I call the data function is not being called again as I would expect.
I have a problem that probably has a simple solution that I am overlooking. I have created a widget to extend Kendo widget. In the widget I have a DropDownList that seems to "cache" the I want to be able to have the datasource re-read the data on each post. In the code below the initial read has the correct values, however, when I call the data function is not being called again as I would expect.
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: that.options.testUrl,
data: getTestData()
getTestData() {
testID: that.divOtherDropDownList.val()
//When I Call"kendoDropDownList");
//in response to another control change the testID does not change
//although I can see it has changed in the console
By default, the data source will cache the retrieved data and will not perform additional requests to the server. To enable request on each filter, you will need to set the serverFiltering option to true. Check how this is done in the cascading dropdownlists demo.
Georgi Krustev
1. set the : getUniqueValue()
2. make unique value function return a unique value.
3. When the control is instantiated the value sent to the server is unique for that instance
4. When I make the drop down refresh for an instance I get the same value as when it was first called.
Create Widget
Drop Down List Data Bind() --> Value=1
Drop Down List --> Value=1
Drop Down List --> Value=1
Drop Down List --> Value=1
Create Widget
Drop Down List Data Bind() --> Value=155
Drop Down List --> Value=155
Drop Down List --> Value=155
Drop Down List --> Value=155
Create Widget
Drop Down List Data Bind() --> Value=216
Drop Down List --> Value=216
Create Widget
Drop Down List Data Bind() --> Value=876
I would like to see:
Create Widget
Drop Down List Data Bind() --> Value=452
Drop Down List --> Value=712
Drop Down List --> Value=923
Drop Down List --> Value=234
Perhaps there is a better way?