is it possible to have a grid with
.Selectable(selectable => selectable
and drag one cell to an other cell (move an entry to an other cell)?
Additionally this should only work if only one cell is selected.
It seems that the "kendoDraggable hint function" is only called if the selection mode is "single")...
Have anyone done this or know how to do with the Kendo-Grid?
thanks, Richard.
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Multiple selection feature allows the user to select multiple cells by drag and drop. This functionality interferes with kendoDraggable features. I am afraid that the two cannot be combined together.
Alexander Valchev

Hello Alexander,
so if you say "..allows the user to select multiple cells by drag and drop...", can you ​show me an example how to do this?
Because multiple means also 1 (or more)...
Or does it mean the target can't be the same grid?
What i want to do is to use the grid as an calendar(like Outlook)...and there i want to be able to move an entry, lets say from "Thuesday-Column" to "Saturday-Column"...
Any chance to realize this with the grid?
regards, Richard.
This screen cast shows the feature I am talking about. As you can see the selection box is shown on mouse down and hidden on mouse up. The same events are used by the Kendo Draggable which is why the two features are incompatible.
In case you want to use Kendo Draggable in the Grid you should disable the build-in multiple selection.
Alexander Valchev

Hello Alexander,
how to drag/drop grid cells without Kendo Draggable?
Thank you,
Kendo UI does not offer build-in Drag and Drop solution apart from Kendo Draggable. Once again I would like to point out that this is not a problem of Kendo Draggable but a conflict between two features which uses same browser events. If you turn off Grid's multiselection you will be able to use Kendo Draggable.
Alexander Valchev