I need to "drag and drop" columns from a gridview to another control; for example a simple text box that just prints the header name when the column is droped on to it.
I have mined the posts here and the WinFroms demo, all implementing on the drag and drop service:
RadDragDropService dragDropService = this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.GetService<RadDragDropService>();
dragDropService.PreviewDragOver += new System.EventHandler<RadDragOverEventArgs>(dragDropService_PreviewDragOver);
dragDropService.PreviewDragDrop += new System.EventHandler<RadDropEventArgs>(dragDropService_PreviewDragDrop);
However, it seems that PreviewDragOver and PreviewDragDrop events are fired only when hitting on the listed members here:
and not a textbox or other generic container.
My question is: is there anyway i can allow and detect a column drop using some other code OR implement a new control that will implement the radservice
Thanks in advance.
I need to "drag and drop" columns from a gridview to another control; for example a simple text box that just prints the header name when the column is droped on to it.
I have mined the posts here and the WinFroms demo, all implementing on the drag and drop service:
RadDragDropService dragDropService = this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.GetService<RadDragDropService>();
dragDropService.PreviewDragOver += new System.EventHandler<RadDragOverEventArgs>(dragDropService_PreviewDragOver);
dragDropService.PreviewDragDrop += new System.EventHandler<RadDropEventArgs>(dragDropService_PreviewDragDrop);
However, it seems that PreviewDragOver and PreviewDragDrop events are fired only when hitting on the listed members here:
and not a textbox or other generic container.
My question is: is there anyway i can allow and detect a column drop using some other code OR implement a new control that will implement the radservice
Thanks in advance.