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Drag copy should ignore disabled cells

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Michelle asked on 28 Jul 2017, 02:02 AM

When using the bottom right corner of a cell to batch copy values across a range by dragging the corner, an error popup appears if a disabled cell is found inside the range that was dragged into.  It is possible to reproduce this with this demo:

1.  Set the quantity column to disabled.

2. Select B3.

3.  Drag the bottom right corner of B3 to D3.

4.  See error: "Destination range contains disabled cells."

There should be an option to allow that to copy into any enabled cells in that range and ignore the disabled ones.


Second problem is that if I now do the following:

5. Click OK to dismiss the error.

6.  Click on the bottom right corner of D3 and drag to B3.

7.  Notice that C3 and D3 are both blanked out, even though C3 is supposed to be disabled.


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Veselin Tsvetanov
Telerik team
answered on 31 Jul 2017, 11:12 AM
Hi Michelle,

Concerning the disabled cells error alert, the described behaviour of the Spreadsheet in this case is the intended. If you think that the widget could be improved by altering its current behaviour, I would suggest you to log your idea in our Feedback portal. Based on the support it receives from the community, we will decide on whether to alter the current behaviour of the Spreadsheet.

Concerning the emptied cells issue, I was able to reproduce the problem based on the provided description. This should be considered a bug in the Spreadsheet functionality. Therefore, we have included this bug in our backlog for fixing. Also, I have created a GitHub item, where you could track the bug status.

As a small token of gratitude for the reported bug, I have updated your Telerik points.

Please, note, that at the current moment, I won't be able to provide you a viable workaround for the discussed.

Veselin Tsvetanov
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Veselin Tsvetanov
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