I'm testing radcontrols for winforms and I have made a test application that have a treeview and a dockmanager...the question is: how can I drag a node from treeview and drop it in a dockpanel (detecting wich node is droped). Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
3 Answers, 1 is accepted
Vassil Petev
Telerik team
answered on 16 May 2007, 02:21 PM
Hello Filipe,
Drag and drop of tree nodes onto other controls is not supported at the moment. You are the second person to request this feature and your vote has been logged. We will do our best to introduce this feature in Q2.
BTW, your scenario looks quite interesting. Could you share what is the idea behind having this feature? What type of application are you working on? Thanks in advance.
In my teste application I have some sql queries and each one have a code (I put this code in the node tag) and when I drag the treenode to a dockpanel I need to know wich query to run agaisnt the database and show a radgrid with the result of that query inside the dockpanel.
The drag and drop functionality betwen radcontrols will be important to the product...
Telerik team
answered on 17 May 2007, 04:34 PM
Hello Filipe,
Thank you for sharing your case scenario. We will consider implementing drag and drop functionality in RadControls. If the interest is great enough you may see it as early as the next major release.
Do not hesitate to share any other ideas you may have.