In the drag and drop example (the standard telerik examples that is) for dropdown and list drag drop, you get visual feedback when moving the items from one list to the other. I have found that it is quite easy to get a feedback item to stay drawn when the drop is not completed. This is generally seen in the area between the lists. I have attached a screenshot that clearly shows the issue. Any hints on what needs to be changed to avoid this?
I have a real life example very close to the telerik example and can see the issue there as well. If I can do it in testing you can be sure some user will...
On a similar note: I can convert the example drag drop manager code to do multi-select drag and drop (the scenario is fairly simple, and many of the standard drag drop cases can be ignored). Where does the text for the drag feedback form get drawn? i.e. I can see the feeback form created, but it wasn't immediately clear where the text was being added. I would like to change the size of the feedback form according to the number of items selected, and also draw the text of the additional items if it is not too hard.
I have a real life example very close to the telerik example and can see the issue there as well. If I can do it in testing you can be sure some user will...
On a similar note: I can convert the example drag drop manager code to do multi-select drag and drop (the scenario is fairly simple, and many of the standard drag drop cases can be ignored). Where does the text for the drag feedback form get drawn? i.e. I can see the feeback form created, but it wasn't immediately clear where the text was being added. I would like to change the size of the feedback form according to the number of items selected, and also draw the text of the additional items if it is not too hard.