I'm using kendo with Angular, and looking for a way to format the tooltip with thousand coma seperator (what I have now, is not working)
and also have a number in the donut.
I know how to do it in JS but not in Angular..
this is my code (it's all on the html page) , can you please help me?
<div class="panel panel-default" style="width: 530px; margin-left:10px;float: left;">
<div class="panel-body">
k-title="{text: 'POR vs Burden', color: '#3d3c3c'}"
k-legend="{ position: 'bottom' }"
k-series-defaults="{ type: 'donut', startAngle: 270, labels: {
visible: true,
holeSize: 45,
background: 'transparent' }}"
name: 'Value',
field: 'Value',
categoryField: 'Category',
labels: {
visible: false
holeSize: 70,
visibleInLegendField: 'visibleInLegend',
padding: 10
k-series-colors="['#b2473e', '#eb8a44']"
k-tooltip ="{visible: true, format:'{0:N0}'}"
style="height: 300px; width: 500px;">