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Does GridView control for WinForm have the capability to support drag and fill across rows within one column?

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Kevin asked on 10 Sep 2014, 04:54 AM

I don't have any experience with Telerik Controls and have not done much research on Telerik controls.

Can anyone advise if GridView control for WinForm has the capability to support drag and fill across rows within one column? Basically we want the data grid control have full some Excel-like capability to manipulate data (like Drag & Fill within one column, Drag and Copy etc..).

Kevin Hu

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Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
answered on 12 Sep 2014, 11:47 AM
Hello Kevin,

Thank you for your question.

RadGridView does not support the features you are describing. Generally, RadGridView is designed to display records of a collection with flat (or in some cases hierarchical) data in which all records have some predefined properties. Features like Drag-to-fill and Drag-to-copy are more relevant when using a spreadsheet component and the use cases of such a component are different than the use cases of a data grid component. Unfortunately, we do not offer a spreadsheet component in our UI for WinForms suite yet, although it is available in the UI for WPF and UI for Silverlight suites. You can see an online demo here:

I hope you find this information useful. If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask.

Ivan Todorov
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Ivan Todorov
Telerik team
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