i read help document and does not explain how i can use Mdichildre.
I have an application with new Q2 RadDock. (i migrate).
I create tabdocumentes
IVVSA.Solicitudes.WinForms.VSolicitudLocales frmsolicitudlocales = new IVVSA.Solicitudes.WinForms.VSolicitudLocales(((vPrincipal)this.ParentForm).Credencial);
frmsolicitudlocales.MdiParent = this.ParentForm;
frmsolicitudlocales.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
forms created like HostWindow and is into radDock1.DockWindows.ToolWindows.
Is possible set into radDock1.DockWindows.DocumentWindows?
if i have a button in form to close then not run. Close from Form not fires close from radDock.
how i do it?
I suggest about an example to do correctly these problem. Manage MdiForms in tabDocuments.