I want to display text on button based on the value from database.
So, button text varies in each row(Ex: In service, Expired, 30 days Expire).
1) How can I display text in button in Kendo row ?
2) I want to change the color of the button based on the above 3 values. (Ex: In Service - Green, Expired - Red, 30 day expire - Yellow)
I want to display that button in the custom command button in below code
How can I do this ?
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(c => c.UserName).Title("User").Filterable(false);
columns.Bound(c => c.Role).Title("Role");
//columns.Command(command => command.Custom().Click("showDetails"));
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height: 500px;" })
.Scrollable(x => x.Height(400))
.Pageable(x => x.Enabled(true).PreviousNext(false).PageSizes(true))