We have a gird with Excel-Like filtering enabled.
Is there a way to disable the Excel-Like filtering for certain columns only? For example, in some cases with many different dollar values in a column, it doesn't really make sense for the user to be able filter based on specific values only, not to mention that there is some kind of a rounding bug where you would check only one value in the list and it won't display any rows...
We still want to keep the old style filtering capabilities because they make more sense for some columns and disable only the Excel-Like functionality...
Again, we need to be able to do that on per column basis, not for the grid as a whole.
See screenshot for more details
Thanks in advance.
We have a gird with Excel-Like filtering enabled.
We still want to keep the old style filtering capabilities because they make more sense for some columns and disable only the Excel-Like functionality...
Again, we need to be able to do that on per column basis, not for the grid as a whole.
See screenshot for more details
Thanks in advance.