Everything works fine until I try to set the the categoryAxis step option for labels:
Why does this not work? And it only works when I set it using the options field:
18 Answers, 1 is accepted
How can I reproduce this issue? Here is my test page: What is different in your case?
Hristo Germanov
Thanks for your response. I initially created the chart using .net wrappers
.Title("Video Utilization")
.Legend(legend => legend.Position(ChartLegendPosition.Right))
.Series(series => { series.Line(model => model.VideoPorts).Style(ChartLineStyle.Smooth).Markers(false); })
.CategoryAxis(axis => axis.Categories(model => model.Hour))
.ValueAxis(axis => axis
.Numeric().Labels(labels => labels.Format("{0}"))
.Line(line => line.Visible(false))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Group(group => group.Add(model => model.FriendlyName))
.Sort(sort => sort.Add(model => model.HourTime))
.Read(read => read.Url(Url.HttpRouteUrl("Default", new { controller = "McuSamples24Hour", action = "Post" })))
.ValueAxis(axis => axis.Numeric())
.Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
Would this have any effect?
var opts = {
title: {
align: "left",
margin: {
left: 20,
bottom: 8
color: "#5a9fd1"
legend: {
offsetX: 16,
offsetY: 80
seriesColors: [
categoryAxis: { labels: { step: 72 } }
Thank you for the attached code.
Now I was able to reproduce the issue. Unfortunately I need more time to give you a resolution or a quick fix. I will write you back as soon as find a solution.
Hristo Germanov
$("#chart").data.("kendoChart").options.categoryAxis.labels.step = 72;
Yes, this is the fix. I was able to find the problem. The mvc wrapper render the categoryAxis as a array from axes and you should apply your options with:
chart.setOptions({ categoryAxis: [{
// your axis configuration }] });
// you need to merge new and old options here });
I hope this helps.
Hristo Germanov
Unfortunately the groups need an extra logic that we can't handle within setOptions() and you need to rebuild the chart. This is known issue and we will try to resolve it for our future releases.
Hristo Germanov
Hi Hristo I have another question in regards to this chart. I have a dropdown menu that on change, I would like to update and change the Series model
.Series(series => { series.Line(model => model.VideoPorts)
How would I change the model to say model.VideoPortPercentage? Can I use setOptions for this or do I need to destroy and recreate a new chart?
Series bindings can be changed with setOptions, but it requires resetting the settings for all series.
This is due to the semantics of setOptions. Arrays will be replaced as a whole and the series are an array.
Setting the tooltip template seems to work here. Is this similar to how you change it?
T. Tsonev
Hello I was able to resolve these issue. I think something got messed up when I try to use setOptions to change the Series, valueAxis, or categoryAxis properties. The MVC wrappers create these properties as an Array and not an Object so you have to set all the properties again with setOptions. For example if your valueAxis configurations look like
"valueAxis": [{
"labels": {
"format": "{0}%"
"line": {
"visible": false
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"majorUnit": 10
//This would NOT work
var options = {
"valueAxis": [{
"labels": {
"format": "{0} Calls"
//Need to apply all valueAxis options again
//with changes
var options = {
"valueAxis": [{
"labels": {
"format": "{0} Calls"
"line": {
"visible": false
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"majorUnit": 10
Good catch. The MVC wrappers indeed do this in order to simplify settings serialization.
I'll bring this up for discussion. Perhaps we'll be able to ammend setOptions to work in either case.
Apologies for the caused inconvenience.
T. Tsonev
Is there a solution to this problem (MVC wrapper creates properties as arrays instead of objects)?
I'm using MVC Wrappers on all charts and can't modify series.visibilty any more since I updated from version 2014Q3 to version 2015Q3. Code was working perfectly!
The only solution i've found is to create charts via HTML not via MVC wrappers.
This is a big deal since I created extended ChartBuilder<T> methods to set application wide defaults (font, theme...)
The discussed issue should only affect axes - it shouldn't affect series.
Can you please post a snippet on what changes are being applied with the setOptions method so we can investigate?
T. Tsonev
To be more specific:
I'd like to make sure all series of an area chart are visible if the user changes a filter-option and therefore causes reaload of data and so on.
In 2014Q3 I just set the series[i].visible = true and everything was fine
Now I have to use the setOptions method (without there's no effect), which fires an event to refresh/redraw, that I couldn't suppress.
So the chart got rendered (partially) twice.
My solution to that problem is to set the series.visible property in the DataBound event of the chart WITHOUT using setOptions, which - at this place - works fine.
Better solution would be to have the possibility to suppress any event fired by setOptions method.
Setting series options in dataBound is what I'd recommend as well. These are guaranteed to not trigger additional redraws.
The handling of the series configuration was changed to accommodate for grouped series.
We have to keep a copy of the original series definitions and copy them for each group coming from the data source.
I hope this makes sense.
T. Tsonev