10 Answers, 1 is accepted
N1 —> N2
N1 —> N3
N4 —> N2
N4 —> N3
We have tried the Diagram control but can’t get the control to recognise that the children of N1 and N4 are the same and therefore duplicate them.
We have tried specifying the DataSource Model Id property to get the desired effect but that doesn’t seem to behave as intended:
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("GetHierarchy", "Portfolio"))
.Model(m => m.Children("Children").Id("Id")))
Does the control handle this structure and if so how can we get this to work?
The controller action to get data:
public ActionResult GetHierarchy()
var node2 = new Node { Id = 2 };
var node3 = new Node { Id = 3 };
var node1 = new Node
Id = 1,
Children = new Collection<Node>
var node4 = new Node
Id = 4,
Children = new Collection<Node>
return this.Json(new Collection<Node> { node1, node4 }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The node class:
public class Node
public ICollection<Node> Children { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
The view:
@using Kendo.Mvc.UI
ViewBag.Title = "Node Hierarchy";
function visualTemplate(options) {
var dataviz = kendo.dataviz;
var g = new dataviz.diagram.Group();
var dataItem = options.dataItem;
g.append(new dataviz.diagram.Rectangle({
width: 210,
height: 75,
stroke: {
width: 0
background: "#aaa"}));
g.append(new dataviz.diagram.TextBlock({
text: dataItem.Id,
x: 85,
y: 20,
color: "#fff"}));
return g;
<div class="diagram-wrapper" style="margin: auto;">
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("GetHierarchy", "Node"))
.Model(m => m.Children("Children").Id("Id")))
.Layout(l => l.Type(DiagramLayoutType.Layered).Subtype(DiagramLayoutSubtype.Mindmaphorizontal))
.ShapeDefaults(sd => sd
.ConnectionDefaults(cd => cd
.Stroke(s => s
With the current implementation the diagram has no support for a graphs. We working on this scenario and soon we will release implementation that will allow you to bind your graph data to the diagram. Please excuse us for the inconvenience that this may cause.
The possible workaround is to manually create shapes one by one with x and y.
Hristo Germanov
is graph support already available?
Currently this feature is not supported but we are working to resolve this issue for our major release of Kendo UI. So stay tuned.
Hristo Germanov
can you tell us when the new release will be ready, so that we can use the feature described above?
Can you give us an example to do this manually? Adding and connecting shapes in asp.net MVC?
Thanks for helping us,
The next official release is scheduled for next week.
I haven't such example but in general you need to create a diagram with empty options then you need to add shapes and connections manually with diagram.addShape() and diagram.connect().
Hristo Germanov
Sorry to bother again, but the release is out and I would like to ask whether graph support is available now?
The new data binding relies on two data sources - one for the connections and one for the shapes.
This allows many-to-many connections and representation of graph structures.
You can take a look at the new demos for a sample.
I hope this helps.
T. Tsonev
Hi Martin,
the new data binding relies on two data sources - one for connections and one for shapes. You may see this in this help article and live in this Dojo.
Thank you very much for the example. It gives me a better starting place to learn from.
Hi Martin,
You are most welcome!
Im trying this:
addChild: function () {
var to = diagram.add(diagram.createShape());
var shapes = diagram.shapes;
var total = shapes.length;
alert("total "+total);
var toIndex = total-1;
var from;
//obtenemos el shape con el id
var id = diagram.select(diagram.shapes.id);
var i=0;
for(i; i < diagram.shapes.length; i++){
if(diagram.shapes[i].id == id){
from = diagram.shapes[i];
diagram.connect(from, to);
butwhat i get is two shapes, and one is undefined
Can you elaborate a bit on the exact scenario you are trying to achieve? It will help a lot if you send us a dojo sample demonstrating the experienced problem, so we can examine the problematic configuration at hand.
Telerik by Progress