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Default snapping behaviour

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Dwight asked on 01 Mar 2017, 08:07 PM

Hi there-

I have an event that doesn't line up to the snapping interval of 30 minutes (e.g. it starts at 8:29am and ends at 9:00am). When I drag the bottom handle (9:00am) to adjust the end time of the event, why does the top handle also snap to the nearest interval during the drag operation? Seems like it might be confusing to users. You can see this behaviour here:

Is there any way to override this behaviour so when you're dragging a handle, the other (static) handle doesn't snap too?




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Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 03 Mar 2017, 06:01 AM
Hi Dwight,

This behavior is by design and its purpose is the event's start and end times to be shown while dragging, as demonstrated in this screenshot. Since the Scheduler does not have a configuration option or method that allows this default behavior to be turned off, achieving this would require extending/overriding the source code, something the Support Service does not provide guidance and assistance with. We can suggest logging a feature request in our public Feedback Portal  for adding an option to turn this behavior on/off. The logged requests are reviewed by the team and if approved are planned for future implementation.

Ivan Danchev
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Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
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