I'm using the custom distribution of version 2016.3.1028 (including each component individually) and ran into an issue using the Window component. Looking at the setup for the Window, it showed that the default options for effects includes "fadeIn" and "zoomIn" like it intends to animate the open interaction, but it doesn't actually complete the action.
Looking more closely at the code, there is a check for kendo.effects.Fade (with a capital F) and if that exists then we run kendo.fx(overlay).fadeIn(). The problem being that the component does not actually require kendo.fx, so the "Fade" effect isn't established and, if it was, we'd fail on the kendo.fx call since kendo.fx isn't a dependency for the window component. Right now, window only depends on dragAndDrop (which then depends on kendo.core and kendo.userEvents and jQuery). One work-around for us is to just include kendo.fx in the kendo window component's code, but that also requires a somewhat large dependency for a simple fadeIn interaction and it seems like this is an issue for the individual distribution of the kendo window.