I have application, which uses cs-CZ globalization. Everything is OK, but Kendo grid is not. Problem is in decimal separator in decimal columns. Grid calls my Action method and every sends "." instead of "," as decimal separator. There is my Action method:
ActionResult UpdateProjectEmployee([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Models.ProjectEmployee employee )
if (employee != null & ModelState.IsValid)
My Action method fails (ModelState.IsValid is false), because MVC is not able to create my model, beacuse of decimal separator is "." and Convert methods expect "," because I use cs-CZ globalization. I thing, it is a bug in kendo Grid! I resolved this by using FormCollection instead of my model:
ActionResult UpdateProjectEmployee([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, FormCollection data )
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
Models.ProjectEmployee employee = new Models.ProjectEmployee();
employee.TotalHours = Convert.ToDecimal( data["TotalHours"], ci );
But it is not so nice :(