I'am using the DTP with angular. The min-date ist set to today at 00:00:00:
min: new Date(2015, 10, 9),//hardcoded example for today: Date {Mon Nov 09 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100}
parseFormats: ["dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"],
interval: 15
No inital value is provided to the DTP, so the DTP has no value after page load. When the user selects a date this occures:
- if a future day (e.g. tomorrow) is selected the time portion is 00:00:00 (complete: Date {Tue Nov 10 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0100}). Fine, thats assumed.
- if the date-value is set on the minimal possible day (aka today) the time portion is set to 01:00:00 (Date {Mon Nov 09 2015 01:00:00 GMT+0100}). If the browsers timezone is for example changed to China Standard Time so the time portion is 08:00:00h (Date {Mon Nov 09 2015 08:00:00 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)}).
- if the DTP min-value is not set to today at 00:00:00 but to yesterday 23.59.59 all works fine if todays date will be selected: time portion is 00:00:00h.
Any ideas whtas going wrong? Is it just me? I assume always to get the time portion 00:00:00 if on an empty and fresh initialized DTP the date will be set via the ui. Thanks in advance.