Test case:
1. I type "March 2015" into DatePicker
2. Kendo validator accepts this value, i.e. "kendo.parseDate(input.val()) !== null". So the form can be submitted.
The first problem: pop-up calendar does not show the date 03/01/2015. Why?
3. On the server side I have model property correctly binded from the incoming value "March 2015" (so it has value "03/01/2015"). And I return the same view with the same model. That value is again rendered as <input value="March 2015"...>
The second problem: I have empty value in datepicker in browser. Is there a way to get value in datepicker in this situation? I'm awared about parseFormats parameter. But why the default behavior is so strange? Why you do not use kendo.parseDate(input.value) when no parse formats are given explicitly?
The same problem is here when I type date in some other formats - '2013/02/13' for example. Kendo Validator accepts this value, MVC default model binder accepts this value, but widget does not. It seems to me you use ""format" property of DatePicker options to parse a value when parseFormats are not given explicitly.
1. I type "March 2015" into DatePicker
2. Kendo validator accepts this value, i.e. "kendo.parseDate(input.val()) !== null". So the form can be submitted.
The first problem: pop-up calendar does not show the date 03/01/2015. Why?
3. On the server side I have model property correctly binded from the incoming value "March 2015" (so it has value "03/01/2015"). And I return the same view with the same model. That value is again rendered as <input value="March 2015"...>
The second problem: I have empty value in datepicker in browser. Is there a way to get value in datepicker in this situation? I'm awared about parseFormats parameter. But why the default behavior is so strange? Why you do not use kendo.parseDate(input.value) when no parse formats are given explicitly?
The same problem is here when I type date in some other formats - '2013/02/13' for example. Kendo Validator accepts this value, MVC default model binder accepts this value, but widget does not. It seems to me you use ""format" property of DatePicker options to parse a value when parseFormats are not given explicitly.