I have a mvc view called "index" with a table of rows each with "Edit" button and on the top i have a "Create New" button.
On "Edit" button click, I load a partial view with the details of row item. some of the controls are kendo datepickers.
if i either click "Save" or "cancel" and then click another "Edit" button everything loads fine.
But if i don't cancel or save but simply click on another row, my kendo datepicker controls disappear. I suspect it might be the way i am loading my scripts?!
I followed the tutorial and included
and @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/kendo")
in my layout.cshtml.
and triggered my datepicker with class 'datepicker' and script
It might not be the problem with datepicker but may be the way load/unload should happen? I appreciate any help.