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Date range picker change event firing 3 times

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Ramesh asked on 24 Feb 2021, 11:35 AM

     Dear Support team,

i'm using the daterange picker of the Kendo UI. and I want to call a function when the from date and to date both selected (up on closing may be)

I tried using the close event but on the close event i do not get the end date (End date is null on the closing event)

your help is much appreciated



Ramesh R 

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answered on 26 Feb 2021, 05:05 PM

Hello Ramesh,

Thank you for the attached screenshots.

I would recommend calling the function in the change event of the Kendo UI DateRangePicker since it fires after the close event when any of the dates is selected/changed. To prevent the calling of the function, each time the event is fired, you could verify if both start and end dates are selected, as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {
  function internalFunction(startDate, endDate) {

  function onChange() {
    var range = this.range();
    var startDate = range.start;
    var endDate = range.end;
    if(startDate && endDate ) {
      internalFunction(startDate, endDate);

      change: onChange
Let me know if you have any other queries. I would be happy to assist you.


Regards, Mihaela Lukanova Progress Telerik

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