What can one do if the viewModel holds the information wether to display a pie or a bar chart?
Concerning the mvvm pattern I think that this should be the right place - I've tried it like this; perhaps a bit naive:
<telerik:RadChart Name="radChart1" DefaultSeriesDefinition="{Binding MySeriesDef}">
With MySeriesDef a property of type ISeriesDefinition.
But unfortunately this is not working.
How can one achieve this without the need to use code in the View?
A big thanks for any help!!!
What can one do if the viewModel holds the information wether to display a pie or a bar chart?
Concerning the mvvm pattern I think that this should be the right place - I've tried it like this; perhaps a bit naive:
<telerik:RadChart Name="radChart1" DefaultSeriesDefinition="{Binding MySeriesDef}">
With MySeriesDef a property of type ISeriesDefinition.
But unfortunately this is not working.
How can one achieve this without the need to use code in the View?
A big thanks for any help!!!