Data Points Limit Chart Series

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Chart - Xamarin.Android
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Archie asked on 22 Oct 2021, 03:45 AM
Hi, I'm having a problem causing the App in Android Tablet become unresponsive when the a Graph rendering which has 5 series and each series contains more than 5000 data points. May I know the main cause of this and is there a  limit with data points?

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answered on 25 Oct 2021, 06:38 AM

Hi Archie,

As I understood correctly, you are trying to load more than 25000 data points in the chart control. 

Direct to the question: May I know the main cause of this and is there a  limit with data points? - The truth is that our chart does not perform very well when loading thousands of items. In your case, you are trying to display more than 25 000 points, so it is expected behavior. 

If you want to show thousands of points, I will suggest you implement sampling. This is when you aggregate lots of items (thousands) into less items (hundreds) for example 300 points. I suggest this mainly because if you have more items horizontally than pixels, this means that a few items may be drawn in very close proximity (near the same pixel) which will lead to an unreadable visualization, and likely a slow initial load or the chart will hang up.

I hope I was able to answer your question.

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Chart - Xamarin.Android
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