I successfully changed the width of the editor window using:
.Editable(ed => ed.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).TemplateName("PowerEditor")
.Window(w=> w.Title("Edit Power Details"))
.Window(w => w.Height(400))
However I'm finding that there is a div inside the window where my template is hosted with a class of k-edit-form-container . In kendo.common.min.css this is setup with a width of 400. Without having to change the css file what would be the correct way to alter the width of that div element similar to what I have already done for the window element?
.Editable(ed => ed.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp).TemplateName("PowerEditor")
.Window(w=> w.Title("Edit Power Details"))
.Window(w => w.Height(400))
However I'm finding that there is a div inside the window where my template is hosted with a class of k-edit-form-container . In kendo.common.min.css this is setup with a width of 400. Without having to change the css file what would be the correct way to alter the width of that div element similar to what I have already done for the window element?