My row is binded to a certain item. I need to give this item as a variable to my custom command. How can I this?
the grid:
the script:
Thus, what I want to do is pass the item (or directly the itemId) to my editItem function. Now item is the created button.
How can I do this?
My row is binded to a certain item. I need to give this item as a variable to my custom command. How can I this?
the grid:
data-bind="kendoGrid: {
data: items,
columns: [
{width: 90, title: 'Action', command: { text: 'Edit', click: editItem}},
{field: 'Name',title: 'Name'}]
"/>the script:
editItem = function (item) {
location.href = 'Item/Edit/' + item.Id;
How can I do this?