In my project I am using the custom add row functionality where the row is a row template, I am using the grid.dataSource.add(dataitem) method to add the model data for the empty row as I have to send the data from server to the empty row. Below are the problems I am facing
1. When I do grid.dataSource.add(dataitem) the row is always getting at the bottom of the table.
2. After adding the row I am intializing the controls like (datetimepicker,timepicker,select2 etc) for the added row, this works fine if I add row for first time. When I click again to add row with grid.dataSource.add(dataitem) the first row is loosing its initialization like datetimepickers, select 2 and others. So when I debug I found that every time I click add new row with dataSource.add() the table is again calling the rowTemplate function for all the data items in the datasource so the control initializations are getting destroyed.
So can you please help how to resolve those two.