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CurrentRow Jumping from Any-Level ChildGridView into MasterGridView when Vertical Scrolling in 2009Q3Beta

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Tom Chien
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Tom Chien asked on 30 Oct 2009, 04:00 PM
This applied to Q2 2009 (2009.2.9.729) also which was bad enough, but is a much more critical of an issue in Q3 2009 Beta (2009.2.9.1016) because users can no longer avoid it by just using the Vertical Scrol Bar of the CurrentRow's ChildGridViewTemplate due to the new combined single Vertical Scroll Bar for all Master / Child GridViewTemplates.  Don't get me wrong, I love the new combined single Vertical Scroll Bar.  It's a much, much better u.i. solution than separate ones.  It just needs to be have its kinks worked out.

Telerik WinForms 2009Q3 Beta (2009.2.9.1016) / 2009Q2 (2009.2.9.729), VB, VS 2005 (v8.0.50727.762 SP.050727-7600), .Net 2.0 (2.0.50727), XP SP3, Core2Duo 2.99GHZ with 3GB.

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Telerik team
answered on 04 Nov 2009, 09:59 AM
Hi Tom,

I am not sure that I understand this issue. Please, elaborate a little bit more on that. Also please note that Q3 2009 is on its way to be released.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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Tom Chien
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answered on 04 Nov 2009, 03:07 PM
To Reproduce the Bug:

1. Create a RadGridView with the at least one ChildGridViewTemplate(s) and each of those optionally having their own ChildGridViewTemplate(s).

2. Click on / move to a Row in one of the ChildGridViewTemplates.

3. Click on the Vertical Scroll Bar of any Ancestor GridViewTemplate of the CurrentRow.  Of course in Q3 2009, the only Ancestor GridViewTemplate that has a Vertical Scroll Bar is the MasterGridViewTemplate.

4. You'll see that the CurrentRow has now jumped to a Row in the GridViewTemplate whose Vertical Scroll Bar you Clicked on specifically the Row which is the direct Ancestor of the ChildGridViewTemplate that the CurrentRow was in before you Clicked the Scroll Bar.

Ex. In the following example, the MasterGridViewTemplate has 4 Rows and one ChildGridViewTemplate with 3 Rows which itself also has a ChildGridViewTemplate with 2 Rows.  MasterGridViewTemplate's Row 3 (#3) is expanded as is its ChildView's Row 2 (#3.1.2).  The CurrentRow is on the Row 3 (# of the innermost expanded GridView.  When you click on the MasterGridViewTemplate's Vertical Scroll Bar, the CurrentRow jumps to MasterGridViewTemplate's Row 3 (#3).  I've chosen an example with a 3-level grid to highlight how ridiculous the behavior is, but it can be reproduced and can be just as ridiculous a 2-level grid.

-3 <-- CurrentRow aftter Clicking on the Vertical Bar of MasterGridView
-3.1.2  <-- CurrentRow before Clicking on the Vertical Bar of MasterGridView

I can see how this behavior might have been desirable or even necessary pre-Q3 2009 because it highlighted the fact that the Vertical Scroll Bar scrolled by the Rows which were in the GridView the Scroll Bar was in (skipping any expanded ChildGridViews).  However, in Q3 2009, with the combined Vertical Scroll Bar, that behavior is not only no longer necessary, it's undesirable and flat out confusing since the combined Vertical Scroll Bar no longer skips expanded ChildGridViews but scrolls through them.  Just because a user wants to see what's going on a few Rows above or below the CurrentRow (that are not currently in view) doesn't mean he wants to not only loose his place but have his CurrentRow be moved to a Row in the MasterGridView which may be not only many Rows but many GridView-levels away from where he was.

Tom Chien
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Rank 1
answered on 06 Nov 2009, 12:17 AM
I verified this is still an issue in the final release of Q3 2009.

Telerik WinForms 2009Q3 (2009.3.9.1103), VB, VS 2005 (v8.0.50727.762 SP.050727-7600), .Net 2.0 (2.0.50727), XP SP3, 3GB, 2.99GHZ, Core2Duo.
Telerik team
answered on 06 Nov 2009, 12:13 PM
Hello Tom,

Thank you for the detailed description of the reported issue. I confirm that it exists. We will address it in our upcoming service pack. Your points are updated. Thank you for your feedback.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

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Tom Chien
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Tom Chien
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