Hello, we have a Knedo UI for Angular 2 grid with custom kendoPagerTemplate iin grid footer. the grid data is bound to Observable<GridDataResult>. in additon the grid supports deletion throught grid command. then item is deleted we reload the observable. Interesting part of pager template:
<ng-template kendoPagerTemplate let-totalpages="totalPages" let-currentpage="currentPage" let-pagesize="pageSize" let-total="total">
current page is {{}}
The issue is that when the totaliItem returned by observable results in change in currentpage variable in footer,, it get set to undefined.
we have a grid with 10 items per page, and initially observable returned 11 items (GridDataResult.total = 11).so grid footer pagervariables are:
totalpages = 2
we switch to second page, the footer variables are still correct, the only change is:that currentpage is 2 now. All fine.
Now we delete the single item on this second page, and reload the observable. the grid data is correctly The pager variables become:
total=10 (updated correctly)
totalpages = 1 (updated correctly)
currentpage=2 (not updated, there are not 2 page anymore)
one would expect currentpage to drop to 1
Currently there is no way of fixing this on our side as those variable are in kendo grid control