I'm trying to create a custom column with the scheduler, but I always get redirected to a sample mvc program that just modifies the events template
I need to actually make a new column, not change the color of it.
The only templates I see listed in the docs are event templates. I need the schedule header. I want to display
The dataHeaderTemplate only lets me change whats inside of Monday.
So my questions are, where are the lists of these templates and how do I get the default values so I can change them and create a new custom view.
This is the closest thing I've seen:
they're doing the following below. But how I get the default value for schedulerHeader and add change it for my customer view.
onDataBound(e) {
scheduler = e.sender,
schedulerHeader = scheduler.element.find(
".k-scheduler-header table tbody tr"
datas = scheduler.dataSource.data();
// add custom column header, do more append for more column
// add custom column for each data
uid = data.uid,
timeData = kendo.toString(data.start,
) +
" - "
+ kendo.toString(data.end,
+ uid +
+ timeData +
"<td><em>no rating yet</em></td>"