HI --
We have existing code creating a tab strip with a series of tabs like this
.Events(events => events.Show("loadDetails(#:EnrollmentID#, #:MeterID#, #:IsCrossSell#)"))
.Animation(animation => animation.Open(open => open.Fade(FadeDirection.In)))
.Items(items =>
"<div id='divDocumentDownload_#=MeterID#'></div>" +
items.Add().Text("Other Fields").Content(
"<div id='divOtherFields_#=MeterID#'></div>"
items.Add().Text("Error Report").Content(
"<div id='divErrorReport_#=MeterID#' style='padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px; border:solid; border-width: 1px; margin-top: 10px; background-color: \\#F0F0F0;'>" +
items.Add().Text("Bill Images").Content(
"<div id='divBillLinks_#=MeterID#'></div>" +
items.Add().Text("Photo ID").Content(
"<div id='divPhotoIdWrapper_#=MeterID#'>" +
Is it possible to create the tabs ("items") separately and then add them in the code? Something like this
.Items(items =>
The reason I'm asking is that the items themselves are fairly complicated (I have simplified the code above) and it would be much easier to modify and debug code if it wasn't one large chunk.