Kendo UI documentation (http://docs.kendoui.com/howto/add-widgets) says that:
However I've tried creating datepicker by using data-role attribute in my web application without calling kendo.init() and it works.
So, there is no longer need calling kendo.init() or there could be some issues with using the control or other controls if not calling kendo.init() ?
Thanks ahead,
Kendo UI documentation (http://docs.kendoui.com/howto/add-widgets) says that:
Widgets may configured in the following two (2) ways:
- in a script block via a jQuery selector and configuration properties;
- or, with data-* attributes for configuration properties and via a call to kendo.init().
However I've tried creating datepicker by using data-role attribute in my web application without calling kendo.init() and it works.
So, there is no longer need calling kendo.init() or there could be some issues with using the control or other controls if not calling kendo.init() ?
Thanks ahead,