Hello! I'm just getting used to the report designer, so these could totally be my ignorance - if there's a good way to do what i'm asking, please enlighten me!
Here are two things I'm missing from the designer (that are -gasp- included in competitive products):
1) Since my datasources aren't accessible at design time, I would LOVE to be able to specify a DataSourceSchema at design time and point it at an .xsd file, for instance (which I could easily make from my data objects by doing a WriteXmlSchema,say), so that the designer could still give me a list of fields and such.
2) The designer snap-to-grid is a bit odd. If I set my snap to grid size at .05 inches, and start dragging a text box, I get snap sizes that are just a bit shy of the grid - for example, it will snap to .89in by .34 in, rather than .9 by .35. Perhaps this is done to prevent text boxes from overlapping, however I WANT them to overlap - I have a very boxy form to reproduce and having to adjust them all manually is a bummer. My output format is PDF and can handle the overlap. Can we get an option (or is there one) to actually snap everything to the grid?