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Couple of issues/suggestions with report designer

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Scott asked on 14 Feb 2009, 06:56 PM
Hello! I'm just getting used to the report designer, so these could totally be my ignorance - if there's a good way to do what i'm asking, please enlighten me!

Here are two things I'm missing from the designer (that are -gasp- included in competitive products):
1) Since my datasources aren't accessible at design time, I would LOVE to be able to specify a DataSourceSchema at design time and point it at an .xsd file, for instance (which I could easily make from my data objects by doing a WriteXmlSchema,say), so that the designer could still give me a list of fields and such.

2) The designer snap-to-grid is a bit odd.  If I set my snap to grid size at .05 inches, and start dragging a text box, I get snap sizes that are just a bit shy of the grid - for example, it will snap to .89in by .34 in, rather than .9 by .35.  Perhaps this is done to prevent text boxes from overlapping, however I WANT them to overlap - I have a very boxy form to reproduce and having to adjust them all manually is a bummer.  My output format is PDF and can handle the overlap.  Can we get an option (or is there one) to actually snap everything to the grid?


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Telerik team
answered on 17 Feb 2009, 04:28 PM
Hello Scott,

Thank you for contacting us and your interest in Telerik Reporting. Up to your questions:
  1. You could specify datasource schema by creating a dummy dataset, just for the sake of using it in design time. Another approach is public object with public properties (primitive), which can be set for the datasource for design time purposes only. Of course when you need to use the real data, you would need to reset the datasource property in the property grid or explicitly set it to null in the constructor.
  2. The mouse movement is in pixels, which as you know is device dependent. However the designed is working with absolute measurements such as inches. So when you drag the items in the designer, an algorithm is used to convert from pixels to inches and when you add resolution settings (incl. dpi) along with the zoom feature of the designer to the pot, it gets messy and such results are expected. These dimensions are intended for rough assessments and if you want exact location for elements, you should use the location properly and input them directly. Currently there is no auto snap/align to grid.
Hope these help.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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