I have two radgrid.
First is binding to object (radGridAcuse) but second has not binding(radGridEtiqueta).
Both have the same column definitiĆ³n.
I select some rows from first, and click a button to copy.
First is binding to object (radGridAcuse) but second has not binding(radGridEtiqueta).
Both have the same column definitiĆ³n.
I select some rows from first, and click a button to copy.
GridViewRowInfo[] selectedRows = new GridViewRowInfo[this.radGridViewAcuse.SelectedRows.Count];this.radGridViewAcuse.SelectedRows.CopyTo(selectedRows, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.Length; i++){
this code raise exception.
Is possible add rows to second Grid?
Do both Grid have same Columns?
Is possible drag and drop?