I have two treeview widget (source and target treeview), when I check any sub-node from Optional root node of the source treeview (this treeview has three root levels -Optional, Mandatory and All- within are its corresponding sub-nodes ) I want copy the sub-node to the corresponding root node of the target treeview, for that I'm doing this:
function onCheckCopyNode(sourceTreeView, targetTreeView)
sourceTreeView.dataSource.bind('change', function (e) {
var sourceNodes = sourceTreeView.dataSource.view();
var targetNode = targetTreeView.findByText('Optional');
for (var i = 0; i < sourceNodes.length; i++) {
var sourceChildren = sourceNodes[i].children.view();
if (sourceChildren) {
for(var j = 0; j < sourceChildren.length; j++){
if((typeof sourceChildren[j].checked!==undefined)&&(sourceChildren[j].checked)){
targetTreeView.append(sourceChildren[j], targetNode);
} else if((typeof sourceChildren[j].checked!==undefined)&&(sourceChildren[j].checked)){
var element = targetTreeView.findByUid(children[i].uid);
function KendoHierarchicalDataSource(element, data, textFields, checkBoxOption, dragAndDropOption, onLoadCopyNode) {
checkboxes: {
template: "<input type='checkbox' #= (item.Selectable === false) ? 'disabled' : '' #>", //#= item.Selectable ? 'checked' : '' #
checkChildren: checkBoxOption
dragAndDrop: dragAndDropOption,
dataSource: data,
dataTextField: textFields
$(document).ready(function () {
KendoHierarchicalDataSource($('#s-field-treeview'), [{ MandatoryId: 1, MandatoryName: 'Optional' }, { MandatoryId: 2, Selectable : false, MandatoryName: 'Mandatory' }], ['MandatoryName', 'FieldName'], true, true, null);
KendoHierarchicalDataSource($('#a-field-treeview'),@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(@ViewBag.fields.Data)), ['MandatoryName', 'FieldName'], true, true, onLoadCopyNode);
onCheckCopyNode($('#a-field-treeview').data('kendoTreeView'), $('#s-field-treeview').data('kendoTreeView'));
The code above inserts the checked sub-node to the corresponding root node of the target treeview; this is removed when I uncheck the source sub-node, the troubles comes when I try it add again because the target treeview doesn't refresh, then I need check another source sub-node for the change event to be fired