I know that you need to unregister dockpanels in order to remove them from the manager.
But how would I know when to do this? You have closebuttonvisible property to disable the close button, (even though it doesn't truly close), but how would I be able to determine that the user clicked it, since there doesn't seem to be a way to determine how the panel was hidden.
If the user selects hide from the dropdown, or closes it with the button, how can I tell the difference? I want to remove the panel if the close button is used.
But how would I know when to do this? You have closebuttonvisible property to disable the close button, (even though it doesn't truly close), but how would I be able to determine that the user clicked it, since there doesn't seem to be a way to determine how the panel was hidden.
If the user selects hide from the dropdown, or closes it with the button, how can I tell the difference? I want to remove the panel if the close button is used.