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Control will not collapse prior to task with UI lock

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Neal asked on 18 Feb 2011, 07:47 PM
I am using a CommandBarDropDownList to trigger a refresh of the bindingsource for a GridView.  The linq query takes a little while to execute, so the UI gets frozen, which is ok.  Prior to executing the query, I would like the dropdownlist to fully collapse.  I attempt to use application.doevents, but it still will not collapse until the query runs.  See snippet below.


EDIT:  Tried with regular DropDownList (not in commandbar) and same behavior.  Tried with winforms combobox and the control successfully collapses.


Private Sub CommandBarDropDownList1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CommandBarDropDownList1.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGrid()
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
    Dim db As New DAL_DataContext
    db.Log = Console.Out
    Dim qryRep = (From item In db.RepSaleDetails Where item.RepSaleHeader.Date.Value.Year = CommandBarDropDownList1.Text Select _
              Descr = item.RepSaleHeader.Rep.LastName, _
              Amount = CInt(item.Qty * item.Price), _
              Month = item.RepSaleHeader.Date.Value.Month)
    Dim qryCust = From item In db.CustSaleDetails Where item.CustSaleHeader.Date.Value.Year = CommandBarDropDownList1.Text _
                  And item.CustSaleHeader.RefNo >= 3000 Select _
                    Descr = "Ann", _
                    Amount = CInt(item.Qty * item.Price), _
                    Month = item.CustSaleHeader.Date.Value.Month
    Dim qryInternet = From item In db.CustSaleDetails Where item.CustSaleHeader.Date.Value.Year = CommandBarDropDownList1.Text _
                      And item.CustSaleHeader.RefNo < 3000 Select _
                      Descr = "Ann Internet", _
                      Amount = CInt(item.Qty * item.Price), _
                      Month = item.CustSaleHeader.Date.Value.Month
    Dim qryAll = qryRep.Concat(qryCust).Concat(qryInternet)
    Dim MyTable = qryAll.GroupBy(Function(i) i.Descr).Select(Function(g) New TrendAnnual With _
             {.Descr = g.Key, _
              .Tot = g.Sum(Function(c) c.Amount), _
              .Jan = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 1).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Feb = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 2).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Mar = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 3).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Apr = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 4).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .May = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 5).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Jun = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 6).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Jul = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 7).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Aug = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 8).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Sep = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 9).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Oct = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 10).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Nov = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 11).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount), _
              .Dec = g.Where(Function(c) c.Month = 12).Sum(Function(d) d.Amount)})
    GridBindingSource.DataSource = MyTable.OrderBy(Function(i) i.Descr)
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub




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answered on 23 Feb 2011, 08:14 AM
Hello Neal,

Thank you for writing.

I would like to suggest closing DropDownList's Popup manually before running your database query. There is not built-in implementation which closes RadDropDownList on text change. You should also turn off DropDownList's Popup FadeOut animation.

commandBarDropDownList1.DropDownListElement.Popup.FadeAnimationType = FadeAnimationType.None;

Please refer to the attached project.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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