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ContextMenu Property Dropdown Blank

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SelAromDotNet asked on 22 Jul 2009, 03:14 AM
I followed the instructions here: for adding a default context menu to a treeview. However, when I go to the treeview properties to set the radcontextmenu to the new menu I added, the drop down is blank (well it says none).

what exactly might I be doing wrong?

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2009, 07:18 AM
Hi SelArom,

Thank you for contacting us. The article that you have been using has not been updated and there are some missing instructions. Our team apologizes for the inconvenience. We will do our best to improve this article as soon as possible. Here is how you can assign a RadContextMenu to your RadTreeView:

1.Drag a RadContextMenu to your form and populate it with items.
2.Click on the Smart Tag and select the Add ContextMenuManager item (the top item.)
3.Now when you see the properties of the RadTreeView you will note that there are two properties named RadContextMenu. The drop down list of the second property will contain your RadContextMenu.

Another option is to insert the following snippet in your code:

this.radTreeView1.RadContextMenu = radContextMenu1.DropDown; 

I hope this is helpful. If you encounter any issues in assigning a RadContextMenu to your RadTreeView, please, contact me back.

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