I am new to Kendo and Telerik and I have been having a play to see if I can connect it to Unleashed (an inventory management application which I am evaluating). In order to access the API, I have to pass some authorization parameters in the header.
I believe I have got this to work because I am not getting an authentication error, however I am getting the following error and I have tried a few different code changes and I have exhausted the google search results on the subject.
The error I am getting is: Uncaught TypeError: e.slice is not a function [kendo.all.min.js - line 11]
Can anyone shed an light on why I am getting this error?
<div class="demo-section k-content wide">
<div id="listView"></div>
<div id="pager" class="k-pager-wrap"></div>
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="custtemplate">
<div class="cust">
$(function () {
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
url: "https://api.unleashedsoftware.com/Customers",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"api-auth-id": "***********************",
"api-auth-signature": "************************"
dataType: "json"
pageSize: 21
dataSource: dataSource,
template: kendo.template($("#custtemplate").html())
I have also tried adding this to the dataSource section, but it didnt make any difference
success: function (result) {
var pass = result.data;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.