Here is what i want to achieve :
I have a grid wich contains a list of customers (for instance). I have a template specificied using ClientDetailTemplateId which contains a TabStrip. One of the tabs contains another grid which display orders. Preety much the same as the example in the demos : http://demos.kendoui.com/web/grid/detailtemplate.html
I need to show/hide columns of that order grid according to to the type of customer, how can I achieve that ?
Here is what i want to achieve :
I have a grid wich contains a list of customers (for instance). I have a template specificied using ClientDetailTemplateId which contains a TabStrip. One of the tabs contains another grid which display orders. Preety much the same as the example in the demos : http://demos.kendoui.com/web/grid/detailtemplate.html
I need to show/hide columns of that order grid according to to the type of customer, how can I achieve that ?