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Comments on the VS Reporting Editor

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C asked on 07 May 2009, 03:40 PM
Is there any way to shut off the overlapping items warning for objects? I'm trying to create a grid like view for my columns and I want the lines to overlap.

Also is there anyway to get a line to start on the header section and stretch through the details section? I used to do this in Crystal and it would give a nice grid that would start in the header, stretch through all the details, and go into the footer.

Is there any way to add additional header sections? In some of my reports I have addresses that can grow and column headers for the details.  In Crystal I would split up the header section so the addresses could grow, and I would not have to give the header an arbitrarily large area to accommodate the larger addresses, and the column headers could appear directly below the addresses.

Also, there is a can grow property on some report items, is it possible to have a section dynamically grow?

Also I'm using VS 2008 and working in VB. The editor is very buggy. It typically stops responding to mouse events and I have to close and reopen the designer to continue working.

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Telerik team
answered on 08 May 2009, 03:05 PM
Hello C,

Turning off the warnings is not possible as they are shown on purpose. If you need to align the items very precisely, you can do this using the Location.X and Location.Y properties of the items. More over if you upgrade to our latest version Q1 SP1, you would be able to take advantage of our Table report item which would handle grid like layout automatically for you. You can review the whole help section to understand how to use it and see its implementation in our demo reports.
Additional headers can either be additional textboxes to the groupheader section or you can create new unbound group (no grouping criteria) and add additional header info there.
Sections cannot grow dynamically as their size and the page size is calculated at runtime when the report is being processed and rendered i.e. they depend on the items inside them which can vary in size.
The problems with the VS2008 designer have been fixed in the Q1 SP1 version - please upgrade.

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the Telerik team

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answered on 08 May 2009, 05:04 PM

Is there a forum or area for Enhancement Requests?

In my case, sections that can't dynamically grow would make it impossible to convert a couple of our reports from Crystal. (One in particular has line items that may or may not include comments, which can be one line or seven. So we'd end up killing alot of trees or cutting off alot of the comments.)
Telerik team
answered on 11 May 2009, 08:54 AM
Hi C,

Maybe my previous reply was a bit confusing and I would try to clarify now. What I've meant by "Sections cannot grow/shrink dynamically" is the ability to control this by yourself. However if some items would grow/shrink or show/hide in a report section depending on some conditions, then this is handled internally by the rendering engine and would be reflected respectively in the report. A parent item would always grow to accommodate its children with the exception of the Page Header/Footer sections which are not related to the report itself, but are relative to the margins of the report's media, i.e. to the paper or screen.

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