we use Kendo UI for Angular 2 grid with command column. There is however a strange behavior our Command column has two two buttons in it (one with directive kendoGridEditCommand and other with kendoGridRemoveCommand) to trigger edit/delete action. that works fine. in additon thtose buttons also have kendoButton directive on them so we can style them easily - set icon and make them baer, so the button in command column in the end looks like this
<button *ngIf="!hideEditButton"kendoGridEditCommand kendoButton [bare]="true" [primary]="true" [icon]="'edit'" title="Edit"></button>
the grid has also selection enabled.
the problem is that clicking on the button also selects/deselects the row, it looks like the click is propagated out of the button to the row and there is no way of overriding this as this is under kendo control.. it even seems that not the whole button has this bug, but only if icon is clicked it is propagated