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ComboBox, MVC and [Remote] attribute

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Sergey asked on 22 Sep 2012, 06:44 PM

I have some problem with remote validation.

There is part of model

[DisplayName("For User ID")]
[Remote("CheckUserID", "User", ErrorMessage="Must be from list or Empty")]
public Nullable<System.Guid> ForUserID { get; set; }


@(Html.Kendo().ComboBoxFor(model => model.ForUserID)
            .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 200px;" })
           .Text("Select user")
           .Placeholder("Select name if necessary")
           .DataSource(source =>
                               source.Read(read =>
                                                   read.Action("GetUserWithId", "User"); //Set the Action and Controller name
                                   .ServerFiltering(false); //If true the DataSource will not filter the data on the client.
           //.Events(e => { e.Select("userNameChange"); })
                   .Events(e => { e.Change("userNameChange"); })

And action in Controller  UserController

public ActionResult CheckUserID(String userIdString)
    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
           bool result = true; 
        JsonResult res = Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        return res;
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "AccountBoost");

All javaScripts for validation included into page, client validation works with Text Input that is also on this page. 

 I can get into action when typing in browser /User/CheckUserID .

But I never get into  CheckUserID action if I work with ComboBox.

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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