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combobox in schedule template

5 Answers 197 Views
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Alan Mosley
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Alan Mosley asked on 26 Aug 2013, 01:11 AM
Using the editable template I want to have a drop down for my resources, so far I have
<div class="k-edit-field" data-container-for="TeamId">
    <input data-role="combobox" data-bind="value: TeamId" />
This gives me the value, but not the list, how do I get the list ?

5 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Alexander Popov
Telerik team
answered on 27 Aug 2013, 03:19 PM
Hello Alan,

You should also bind the DataSource - when using data attribute initialization it is done as shown below:

<div class="k-edit-field" data-container-for="TeamId">
    <input data-role="combobox" data-bind="value: TeamId" data-bind="source: yourDataSource" />

Also if the above solution doesn't work for you - please provide runable project where the issue is reproduced. 

Additional information on source binding in MVVM can be found here.

Alexander Popov
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
Alan Mosley
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answered on 28 Aug 2013, 12:10 AM

Before I create a sample project with a schedule, can you explain what I should include as yourdatasource.
I am using MVC wrappers. and my resources are coming from the server. I tried binding to a kendo observable viewmodel but that did not seem to work.
see my schedule and my template below.

    Dim s As Kendo.Mvc.UI.Scheduler(Of BO.Models.Bookings.BookingEvent) = Html.Kendo().Scheduler(Of BO.Models.Bookings.BookingEvent)() _
    .Name("scheduler") _
    .Date(Date.Today) _
    .StartTime(Date.Today.AddHours(7)) _
    .Height(600) _
    .Timezone("Etc/UTC") _
    .Editable(Function(e) e.TemplateId("ScheduleEditTemplate")) _
    .Resources(Function(resource) resource.Add(Function(m) m.TeamId) _
                                           .Title("Owner") _
                                           .DataTextField("Name") _
                                           .DataValueField("TeamId") _
                                            .DataColorField("Color") _
                                           .DataSource(Function(d) d.Read("resouces", "services", New With {.area = String.Empty}))) _
                   views.WeekView(Function(weekView) weekView.Selected(True))
           End Sub) _
    .DataSource(Function(d) d.Model(Sub(m)
                                            m.Id(Function(f) f.BookingId)
                                    End Sub) _
    .Read("read", "services") _
    .Create("create", "services") _
    .Destroy("destroy", "services") _
    .Update("update", "services"))
End Code
<script id="ScheduleEditTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
    <section class="schedule-template row-fluid">
        <p class="span12">
        <p class="span12">
            <label>Start: <input data-role="datetimepicker" data-bind="value: start" /></label>
        <p class="span12" data-container-for="TeamId">
                <select id="teams" data-role="combobox" data-bind="value: TeamId" data-bind="source: yourdatasouce" />
        <p class="span12">
            <label>Notes: <textarea data-bind="value: notes" /></label>
            <input type="checkbox" value="${Completed}" /><button data-schedule-edit-booking-complete="${BookingId}">Mark complete</button>

Alexander Popov
Telerik team
answered on 29 Aug 2013, 03:07 PM
Hi Alan,

I apologize for misleading you. Obtaining the DataSource for this ComboBox from the EditorTemplate is a complicated task. A simpler approach would be to open a script tag in your template and initialize a ComboBox or DropDownList widget using the Scheduler's resources as a DataSource. For convenience I prepared a small example demonstrating how to populate a DropDownList in a custom EditorTemplate.

Alexander Popov
Join us on our journey to create the world's most complete HTML 5 UI Framework - download Kendo UI now!
Alan Mosley
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 30 Aug 2013, 12:00 AM
Thanks for your reply.
The example works in chrome but not in IE 10, any ideas?
Thanks again
Alan Mosley
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 30 Aug 2013, 12:28 AM
Sorry it seems to work in my project in IE 10, just did not work in jsbin with IE 10
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Alan Mosley
Top achievements
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Answers by
Alexander Popov
Telerik team
Alan Mosley
Top achievements
Rank 1
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