How can I instruct the combo box filter to operate on multiple columns (in effect a composite search)?
Simple example :
Lets say I have a combo box with currencies. The options looks someting like " <Code> - <Name> (<symbol>)". I want the "contains" filter to operate on name, code, and symbol. Data looks something like :
Currencies = [
{"Name": "Argentine Peso", "Code": "ARS", "Symbol": "$" },
{"Name": "Armendian Dram", "Code": "AMD", "Symbol": "AMD"},
{"Name": "Aruba Florin", "Code": "AWG", "Symbol": "ƒ"},
{"Name": "Australian Dollar", "Code": "AUD", "Symbol": "$"}
My Kendo declaration looks something like :
<select name="Currency_RecordID"
k-data-source = "DataModel.Currencies"
k-rebind = "DataModel.Currencies"
k-placeholder = "Labels.PleaseSelect"
k-data-text-field = "'Name'"
k-data-value-field = "'RecordID'"
k-value = "LineModel.Currency.RecordID"
k-model = "'LineModel'"
k-model-property = "'Currency'"
k-filter = "'contains'"
k-auto-bind = "true"
k-min-length = "1"
k-template = "'#= Code # - #=Name# (#=Symbol#)'"
k-openOnFocus = "'irrelevant'"
k-limitPredefined = "'just quote me'"
Is there a way to go about this ?
Simple example :
Lets say I have a combo box with currencies. The options looks someting like " <Code> - <Name> (<symbol>)". I want the "contains" filter to operate on name, code, and symbol. Data looks something like :
Currencies = [
{"Name": "Argentine Peso", "Code": "ARS", "Symbol": "$" },
{"Name": "Armendian Dram", "Code": "AMD", "Symbol": "AMD"},
{"Name": "Aruba Florin", "Code": "AWG", "Symbol": "ƒ"},
{"Name": "Australian Dollar", "Code": "AUD", "Symbol": "$"}
My Kendo declaration looks something like :
<select name="Currency_RecordID"
k-data-source = "DataModel.Currencies"
k-rebind = "DataModel.Currencies"
k-placeholder = "Labels.PleaseSelect"
k-data-text-field = "'Name'"
k-data-value-field = "'RecordID'"
k-value = "LineModel.Currency.RecordID"
k-model = "'LineModel'"
k-model-property = "'Currency'"
k-filter = "'contains'"
k-auto-bind = "true"
k-min-length = "1"
k-template = "'#= Code # - #=Name# (#=Symbol#)'"
k-openOnFocus = "'irrelevant'"
k-limitPredefined = "'just quote me'"
Is there a way to go about this ?