I have a Kendo UI grid where the first column is readyonly:
schema: {
data: "data",
model: {
id: "ID",
fields: {
firstName: { editable: false },
lastName: { validation: { required: {message: "Must not be empty!"}} }
In edit mode this is just fine, but if I want to add a new row/item then of course the firstName should be editable.
How I can get this working?
I tried to find a 'best practice' but seems to be not so easy.
Is there any 'best practice'?
Thanks a lot!
11 Answers, 1 is accepted
thanks again, I solved it now this way:
edit: function(e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
} },
Just if someone is interested in,
best regards
In the current scenario you should make the column editable by default. Then you should bind to the edit event of the Grid, determine whether the current item is new and make the input readonly if needed.
edit(e) {
(e.model.isNew() ==
) {
Kind regards,
Dimiter Madjarov
the Telerik team
thanks for reply but this does not work for me.
I think the reason is that firstName is not the ID-column of my grid, so $('#firstName') does not give any result.
I need to access the firstName column even if it is not the ID column of the grid. How can I do that?
Thanks again!
Sorry for the inconvenience. The solution, provided in the previous answer will work only for the Kendo UI MVC grid, where each input field receives an id attribute equal to the column name. In Kendo UI Web Grid you could get the current input field via it's name attribute.
edit(e) {
(e.model.isNew() ==
) {
Wish you a great day!
Dimiter Madjarov
the Telerik team
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Command(command => { command.Edit(); }).Width(50);
columns.Bound(l => l.ID);
columns.Bound(l => l.Description);
columns.Command(command => { command.Destroy(); }).Width(50);
.ToolBar(toolbar => toolbar.Create())
.Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.PopUp))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Model(model =>
model.Id(l => l.ID);
model.Field(field => field.ID).Editable(false);
model.Field(field => field.Description).Editable(false);
.Create(create => create.Action("AddLaboratory", "SystemAdmin"))
.Read(read => read.Action("Laboratories", "SystemAdmin"))
.Update(update => update.Action("UpdateLaboratory", "SystemAdmin"))
.Destroy(destroy => destroy.Action("DeleteLaboratory", "SystemAdmin"))
The reason for the issue in the current implementation is that a PopUp editing mode is being used, and the Editable(false) configuration is not supported with this mode. You can assure that it is working if you change to InLine edit mode.
If you would like to override the default template for PopUp editing, you should specify a custom PopUp Editor as demonstrated in the following Code Library.
I wish you a great day!
Dimiter Madjarov
In the current scenario, you could use the default editor template and use similar approach, as demonstrated in my second post, where the column is editable by default. You could check if the operation is add or edit via e.model.isNew(), access the window through e.container and find the input to disable.
edit(e) {
(e.model.isNew() ==
) {
Dimiter Madjarov
In my previous answer I tried to explain why the .Editable(false) configuration option was not working when PopUp edit mode is being used.
To make the column readonly in edit mode but editable in add mode, I would suggest you to use the approach from my last answer and bind to the edit event.
edit(e) {
(e.model.isNew() ==
) {
Dimiter Madjarov
.Events(events => events.Edit(
function (e) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
$("#ID").attr("readonly", true);
When a server binding is used, the Grid does not fire most of the client events, including the edit event. In the current scenario you could achieve this on document ready and get the current grid mode through the URL get parameter "Grid-mode".
() {
gridMode = getURLParameter(
(gridMode ==
) {
getURLParameter(name) {
(RegExp(name +
).exec(location.search) || [,
As demonstrated in the example, you could get the window container through it's ID, which follows the pattern GridID + PopUP.
I wish you a great day!
Dimiter Madjarov
I've got one more question on this. I am trying to do this same thing except for a grid nested within another. So the problem in this case is that the name of the grid is not hardcoded so I don't know how to reference it in the javascript.
The nested grid is named like this:
.Name("gridUserFacilities" + item.ID)
$(document).ready(function () {
var gridMode = getURLParameter("gridUserFacilities-mode");
if (gridMode == "edit") {
$("#gridUserFacilitiesPopUp").find('input[name="ID"]').attr("disabled", true);
To get the name of the currently edited Grid, you could implement a different logic for parsing the get parameters.
query = window.location.search.substring(1);
getParameters = query.split(
gridInfo = getParameters[0];
gridName = gridInfo.split(
Dimiter Madjarov
I am using Inline editing and i also want to make column editable in create mode and readonly in edit mode
but the client side event does not fire when i click on edit. It is getting fired only once during grid load ,at that time model is null.
Below is the sample code:
@model IEnumerable<CustomerModels>
@using MvcApplication2_Kendo.Models;
ViewBag.Title = "About Us";
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(Customer => Customer.Name)
columns.Bound(Customer => Customer.Number);
columns.Bound(Customer => Customer.Phone);
columns.Bound(Customer => Customer.DOB).Format("{0:dd-MM-yyyy}").EditorTemplateName("Date");
columns.Command(command => { command.Edit(); });
.Filterable(filterable => filterable
.Operators(operators => operators
.ForString(str => str.Clear()
.StartsWith("Starts with")
.IsEqualTo("Is equal to")
.IsNotEqualTo("Is not equal to")
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("FilterMenuCustomization_Read", "Home"))
.Model(model => { model.Id(c => c.Phone); model.Field(c=>c.DOB);})
.Update(update => update.Action("FilterMenuCustomization_Update", "Home")).Events(e => e.Change("edit"))
.Create(create => create.Action("FilterMenuCustomization_Create", "Home"))
.Sortable(sortable => sortable
.ToolBar(toolbar => toolbar.Create())
.Resizable(resize => resize.Columns(true))
<script type="text/javascript">
function edit(e) {
if (e.model != null) {
if (e.model.isNew() == false) {
$(e.container).find('input[name="Name"]').attr("readonly", true);
I am using asp.net mvc razor syntax.
Any idea as to what i am doing wrong?
To achieve the described behavior, you should bind to the Edit event of the Grid. The Change event, which is used in in the current implementation is fired when the Grid selection has changed.
I wish you a great day!
Dimiter Madjarov
In my development I have the same need to set a specific column to "readonly" for an existing records, but have a specific cell editable when a new item is created. I have been following your directions and example but it does not work as desired. Please advice.
I have a desired column editable, and .Edit() event bind to the grid, but existing records are not set to "readonly".
The current scenario seems to be similar as the one, discussed in the topic. I could not be sure what is the exact reason for the issue, without a look at the code. Could you please share some sample code, so I could inspect further?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Dimiter Madjarov
In my case I would like to set readonly on a field if a check is true.
So first I was trying to apply the edit to a field on Edit vss. New as this post is doing. But the field is still editable.
My grid uses a Custom Popup editor as well.
I tried implementing the $(docment).ready(function...)
replacing the "GridPopUP" with my Grid name "clientAttributes" to use "clientAttributesPopUP" and the field name to my field I would like to disable 'input[name="attributeName"]')
The rest of the code is the same since I copied it from this post.
I have the code in a plain script. Do I need to reference this in the Grid definition or should it automatically file when I select either edit or Add?
It is hard to state the exact cause for the issue from the provided information. Is it possible to provide a small example, demonstrating the exact implementation?
Regarding the last question, I am not sure what exactly do you mean by "should it automatically fire". Could you elaborate more?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Dimiter Madjarov
Cells in Kendo UI grid appears in editable mode only on click of the cell. But we are looking for the option where we want to have the all rows grid to be edit mode (all cells should appear in edit mode on page load or on click of some button). How can we achieve this in Kendo UI Grid.
We are looking for a grid where in all rows in grid should appear in edit mode. But in Kendo UI grid, grid cell will appear in edit mode only after clicking the cell. How can we make all rows in grid appear as editable to the user?
The current requirement is not supported by the Kendo UI Grid. It supports InCell, InLine and PopUp edit modes.
Dimiter Madjarov
Thanks for your quick response. This feature is needed as part of our business requirement. Currently, we are under analysis whether Kendo UI framework fits to our requirements or not. It suits for most of our current requirements. Can you please let us know, whether there is any work around to make all the rows appear in edit mode or not, before we look for other options?
There is no workaround for this specific requirement, as it is not supported. Please excuse us for the caused inconvenience.
Dimiter Madjarov
Hi there,
Your solution here seems to work for text boxes, but how can it be accomplished for Dropdownlists?
I have:
function onComponentGridEditing(arg) {
if (arg.model.isNew() == false) {
arg.container.find("input[name='IDComponentType']").attr("readonly", true);
If I change IDComponentType to, say, ComponentName, it works.
Hello Amanda,
The cleanest approach would be to retrieve the DropDownList instance and use the readonly method of it's API.
Regards,Dimiter Madjarov
Hi Dimiter,
I have the same scenario but I have Integer editor template for the column. It is disable but if I click up/down arrows, the values is changing. I want to make sure the user can not change the value if the condition is satisfied.
.Name("PRRServiceGrid" )
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.Id).Hidden(true);
columns.Bound(p => p.IsEbsOnly).Hidden(true);
columns.Bound(p => p.ServiceName);
columns.Bound(p => p.Units).EditorTemplateName("Integer");
columns.Bound(p => p.BHFormType);
columns.Bound(p => p.ReduceUnits).EditorTemplateName("Integer");
columns.Command(command =>
command.Edit().HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "btn-primary k-grid-edit" });
.Pageable(pageable => pageable.Refresh(true).PageSizes(true).ButtonCount(5))
.Events(e => e.Edit("onPRRServiceGridEdit"))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax().ServerOperation(false).PageSize(5).Read(read => read.Action("PrrServiceGridRead", "ReimbursementRequestProvider"))
.Model(model =>
model.Id(p => p.Id); model.Field(p => p.Id).Editable(false); model.Field(p => p.ServiceName).Editable(false); model.Field(p => p.BHFormType).Editable(false);
.Update(update => update.Action("Update_PrrServiceGrid", "ReimbursementRequestProvider"))
function onPRRServiceGridEdit(e) {
var bhFormType = e.model.BHFormType;
var isEbsOnly = e.model.IsEbsOnly;
if (bhFormType == null && isEbsOnly)
$(e.container).find('input[name="ReduceUnits"]').attr("disabled", true);
$(e.container).find('input[name="Units"]').attr("disabled", true);
Hi Dimiter,
I have the same issue. But I have integer editor template on the column. The column is disabled but when click up/down arrows the values is changing. I want to make sure user can not change the value if the condition is met.
.Name("PRRServiceGrid" )
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.Id).Hidden(true);
columns.Bound(p => p.IsEbsOnly).Hidden(true);
columns.Bound(p => p.ServiceName);
columns.Bound(p => p.Units).EditorTemplateName("Integer");
columns.Bound(p => p.BHFormType);
columns.Bound(p => p.ReduceUnits).EditorTemplateName("Integer");
columns.Command(command =>
command.Edit().HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "btn-primary k-grid-edit" });
.Pageable(pageable => pageable.Refresh(true).PageSizes(true).ButtonCount(5))
.Events(e => e.Edit("onPRRServiceGridEdit"))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax().ServerOperation(false).PageSize(5).Read(read => read.Action("PrrServiceGridRead", "ReimbursementRequestProvider"))
.Model(model =>
model.Id(p => p.Id); model.Field(p => p.Id).Editable(false); model.Field(p => p.ServiceName).Editable(false); model.Field(p => p.BHFormType).Editable(false);
.Update(update => update.Action("Update_PrrServiceGrid", "ReimbursementRequestProvider"))
function onPRRServiceGridEdit(e) {
var bhFormType = e.model.BHFormType;
var isEbsOnly = e.model.IsEbsOnly;
if (bhFormType == null && isEbsOnly)
$(e.container).find('input[name="ReduceUnits"]').attr("disabled", true);
$(e.container).find('input[name="Units"]').attr("disabled", true);
I have the same issue. But I have integer editor template on the column. The column is disabled but when click up/down arrows the values is changing. I want to make sure user can not change the value if the condition is met.
.Name("PRRServiceGrid" )
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(p => p.Id).Hidden(true);
columns.Bound(p => p.IsEbsOnly).Hidden(true);
columns.Bound(p => p.ServiceName);
columns.Bound(p => p.Units).EditorTemplateName("Integer");
columns.Bound(p => p.BHFormType);
columns.Bound(p => p.ReduceUnits).EditorTemplateName("Integer");
columns.Command(command =>
command.Edit().HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "btn-primary k-grid-edit" });
.Pageable(pageable => pageable.Refresh(true).PageSizes(true).ButtonCount(5))
.Events(e => e.Edit("onPRRServiceGridEdit"))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax().ServerOperation(false).PageSize(5).Read(read => read.Action("PrrServiceGridRead", "ReimbursementRequestProvider"))
.Model(model =>
model.Id(p => p.Id); model.Field(p => p.Id).Editable(false); model.Field(p => p.ServiceName).Editable(false); model.Field(p => p.BHFormType).Editable(false);
.Update(update => update.Action("Update_PrrServiceGrid", "ReimbursementRequestProvider"))
function onPRRServiceGridEdit(e) {
var bhFormType = e.model.BHFormType;
var isEbsOnly = e.model.IsEbsOnly;
if (bhFormType == null && isEbsOnly)
$(e.container).find('input[name="ReduceUnits"]').attr("disabled", true);
$(e.container).find('input[name="Units"]').attr("disabled", true);
Hello Veena,
In the case when a widget is used as an editor template you should retrieve it's instance and disable it via it's API.
Dimiter Madjarov
Hi Dimiter,
It seems there is glitch in the system. No matter how many times i post it will not show up for me. Even your answer is not showing up for me. I got an email with your answer and that works perfect. Thanks.
Hello Veena,
The answers are shown on the second page of the current thread. Is this not the case on your end?
Regards,Dimiter Madjarov
That is true. There is second page. My bad.
Hello Barry,
I would suggest the following Knowledge Base article on this topic:
Allow Editing When Creating New Records for the New Records Only
I hope this will help achieve the required behavior.
Kind Regards, Silviya Stoyanova Progress Telerik
Our thoughts here at Progress are with those affected by the outbreak.
but when deal with check box it will never enable it back.
Hi, Carlton,
The knowledge base article features a checkbox for the Discontinued property which is enabled both when adding new items and when editing.
Can you share an example to illustrate your scenario so we can investigate the specific configuration?
Alex Hajigeorgieva
Progress Telerik
Virtual Classroom, the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products quickly just got a fresh new look + new and improved content including a brand new Blazor course! Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.
Hello Raresky,
I am glad that the provided approach is a working decision for the needs of your application.
If further assistance is needed, do not hesitate to contact me and the team.
Kind Regards,
Anton Mironov
Progress Telerik
Тhe web is about to get a bit better!
The Progress Hack-For-Good Challenge has started. Learn how to enter and make the web a worthier place: https://progress-worthyweb.devpost.com.
Hi Manishkumar,
For Kendo UI for Angular-related questions, please submit your questions in the dedicated forum:
Regarding the question set the editable property of the <kendo-grid-column> component to a boolean value depending on the fired event:
Here is an example where the ProductName column is toggled:
I hope this helps.