If I'm loading the content on my window using LoadContentFrom - which loads the content of another view, how do I close the window if I have a button
in that other view with an ID "close"
The above java script is within my main view, which doesn't seem to work, presumably because the close button isn't on the same view?
How do I get the window to close by a click of a button in a different view which is rendered in my modal window?
$(document).ready(function () { var window = $("#window").data("kendoWindow"); $("#open").click(function (e) { window.center(); window.open(); }); $("#close").click(function (e) { window.close(); }); });
The above java script is within my main view, which doesn't seem to work, presumably because the close button isn't on the same view?
How do I get the window to close by a click of a button in a different view which is rendered in my modal window?