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ClientTemplate loaded from collection in parent row -> prevent request

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Daniel Knoll
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Daniel Knoll asked on 06 Feb 2014, 02:34 PM

I've posted a question to this topic a year ago and the solution went fine. Today I updated to the newest version of Kendo UI and now I have problems with the code. Looks like the update broke things for me.

The original question was, how to bind data in a clientdata from the parent row. The solution worked by using the DetailInit Method of the Parent Grid to set the data in the datasource of the Childgrid.

My Parent Grid looks like this:
03.        .Columns(
04.            col =>
05.            {
06.                    // cols..
07.            })
08.            .ClientDetailTemplateId("detailTemplate")
09.        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
10.       .Ajax()
11.       .ServerOperation(false)
12.    )
13.    .Events(events => events.DetailInit("initDetail"))
14.    .BindTo(Model.GroupedDetails)

Child Template:
02.        .Name("details_#=CustomerNr#")
03.        .Columns(col =>
04.        {
05.        // cols
06.        })
07.        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
08.            .Ajax()
09.            .ServerOperation(false)
10.           .Sort(p => { p.Add(x => x.ArticleGroup); p.Add(x => x.DiscountGroup); p.Add(x => x.ProductGroup); p.Add(x => x.Revenue).Descending(); })
11.        )
12.        .Pageable()
13.        .Sortable()
14.        .ToClientTemplate()

And finally the DetailInit to wire it together:
1.function initDetail(e) {
2.    var grid = $("#details_" +"kendoGrid");

As I said, everything worked fine in the last years version. 

Following steps happen:
 - I expand a row
 - My data is shown as usual
 - But now, an post server request is made to my controller action. That's pretty strange, because I didn't specify any read methods in my datasource.
 - Since no data is returned from the controller, the grid will be empty as soon as the request is finished.

If I comment out the DataSource specification of the Childgrid, no request is made. But then my data is not sortedand Server Paging is enabled. Due to this, I tried to create a new datasource in the initDetail JS-Function, which has the specified sort-definition and turned off server paging. But I'm unable to set the Grid's datasource (already searched in the forums).

Was there a breaking change?

Thanks for any advices.


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Petur Subev
Telerik team
answered on 10 Feb 2014, 12:36 PM
Hello David,

We are not aware of such breaking change. I updated a similar project that I had and it seems to be working properly. Check the attached archive. In order to investigate further please replicate the problem within a demo project.

Kind Regards,
Petur Subev
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Asked by
Daniel Knoll
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Petur Subev
Telerik team
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