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Click "selection checkbox" from button outside of grid

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Richard asked on 30 Mar 2021, 06:19 PM

I am using the Selection Checkbox feature of a Grid.  For reference, built from this demo:

So I have a grid like the following:

        dataSource: GridRepoDataSource(),
        sortable: true,
        persistSelection: true,
        change: onChange,
        columns: [
                selectable: true,
                width: "50px"
                field: "name",
                title: "Name"
                field: "description",
                title: "Description"

What I'm trying to do is after the grid has been loaded I have a button outside of the grid.  When I click on the button, I want to select the check-box in the row based on the name.  And hoping that when I do click on that button, hoping that the OnChange event still fires.



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answered on 02 Apr 2021, 09:23 AM

Hi Richard,

A possible approach to achieve the desired result is to find the cell that contains the respective text using jQuery. Then, you could find the closest row. Next, you could search for an element in the row that contains the 'k-checkbox' class. You could select the row using the Grid select method. You could check the checkbox using jQuery prop(). Below is an example of such implementation:

 function checkName(){
        var grid = $('#grid').data('kendoGrid')
        var name = $('#checkboxName').val()
        if(name != ''){
          var cell = $('#grid td:contains("'+name+'")')
          var row = $(cell).closest('tr')
          var checkbox = $(row).find('.k-checkbox')
          $(checkbox).prop('checked', true);

In the Dojo example linked here, there is an input where a text could be entered. On a button click, the rows that have cells which content contains the text from the input will be checked. The change event will be fired and a message will be console logged.

I hope you will find the provided information and the example helpful. 


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