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Click into NumericTextBox does not close dropdowns

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Thomas asked on 08 Mar 2017, 01:50 PM

A NumericTextBox used in Angularjs (v1.5.8) seems to swallow the click events. 

The box is included like this:

<input kendo-numeric-text-box="numericTextBox" fc-numeric-box-placeholder k-spinners="false"
           k-decimals="{{ ::decimals }}" k-options="numericBoxOptions" ng-model="value"/>


The options set the min and max values. The box itself works fine, updating values as expected. 

If you have a dropdown opened (bootstrap) though, clicking inside the NumericTextBox will not close the dropdown. Clicking anywhere else closes it.

Is there a way to configure NumericTextBox to facilitate this behavior?


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answered on 09 Mar 2017, 12:45 PM

Hello Thomas,


The UI element that is clicked in the NumericTextBox depends on that to prevent the event in order to show the real input and put the caret there. Else, the focused element will be the one that is dynamically hidden.


What I can suggest is using the Kendo DropDownList instead of the Bootstrap Dropdown.


Or handle appropriate DOM events to force the Dropdown close action. Like in here:



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