I was very suprised to see so few methods in the documentation for the Kendo Upload, specially becouse I know it's been in the toolset a longer time. I basicly did my own UI for the upload. Most of the current buttons are hidden, I keep only the dropzone. The first problem I had is I couldnt just link methods to programaticly start an upload or open file choser dialog. I managed to get that functionality bi using their respective buttons click handlers.
One method I'm strugling with is clearing the files list programaticly. So I have implemented an item edit window with a picture upload. On select I managed to extract a file preview for the image before its sent to the server. If you click the save button for the window the form gets saved and the new photo uplodaed. If you click cancel however and open the same edit window for a different item. The old picture stayed in the upload. I want to clear it. Is there a way to do that? I have the file list hidden.
One method I'm strugling with is clearing the files list programaticly. So I have implemented an item edit window with a picture upload. On select I managed to extract a file preview for the image before its sent to the server. If you click the save button for the window the form gets saved and the new photo uplodaed. If you click cancel however and open the same edit window for a different item. The old picture stayed in the upload. I want to clear it. Is there a way to do that? I have the file list hidden.